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I can’t believe I finally caved in and did a wedding.  I have to admit this has been a great fear of mine-I didn’t want to mess up on someone’s perfect day-but I finally agreed to do one and I have to say I am thrilled with the outcome!

Define love-I don’t need words to do it, I can see it in everyone of these gorgeous pictures!  I have been SO lucky to photograph both of these beautiful girls right after they came to join their family in the US.  What a pleasure to watch them grow and love the two most special people in their lives!  This newest little one has been a long time in the making and she was an answered prayer for sure!  Amazing!  This is love!

I am going to highlight some of my holiday sessions from last year-I will try and hit as many as I can find along the way-I can’t believe I dropped the ball on this last year so badly!  :(

and then one just fun one…

I have SO much to share that I think it will take me weeks to update this blog!  We’ll begin here and work our way back for almost a whole year!  And to think, the holiday season is once again upon us-I am going to try really hard to keep it updated this year!  Wish me luck!


While this family isn’t really my family they are as close to it as a friend can ever get!  I have had the joy of watching each of these cuties grow up and I treat them exactly like I would my own.  That means I get to spoil them rotten and whip them into shape whenever needed-like my own I try to just spoil them!  We have had countless spend the nights and many a laughs together.  We’ve shared the joys of every aspect of eachother’s lives-we cheered eachother on and  suffered through eachother’s recitals!  We’ve seen The Wiggles, Blues Clues, and Ringling Brothers…the list of things we’ve done is endless and I can’t wait to keep adding to it  over the years.  The bond our families share is one I will treasure forever and so it was with the greatest  pleasure that I went out Sunday night with them to take these shots!  I absolultely love the vivid colors and best of all I love that I got to capture their family, ever aspect of it!  :)  

Thanks to you all for the greatest family friendship a girl could ever ask for!  Who knew that 14 years later we’d still be hanging out every weekend!  :)   Love you guys!


And they wouldn’t be the family I love so dearly without this last shot-which in the end may capture who they are better than anything I could ever set up!  :)

Family Pets

It’s not easy getting the family all together for a picture but to include our beloved family pets is even harder-but people are always so happy when they do!  It does make for a crazier session but when you get “that shot’…well, then it is all worth it!  I have to say we took these pictures on the absolute perfect day!  The colors are so natural and rich-I was pretty envious when taking these as I knew how perfect the colors were…I wish I had taken my kids out that day too!!!  :) 


I have been hopping lately!  I am pretty much booked out for the holiday season now and I have been shooting family after family these last few weeks!  I have had so much fun with each group-I have been quite impressed with the number of families that have chosen to take the time to come together for their holiday cards and annual pictures.  I have many sessions to update but I’ll start off with my second shoot from today.  LOVE this family and once again they surely didn’t disappoint me with laughs!  What is a skeleton in a bed called?  LAZY BONES!  Thanks girls, for that great joke…I am sure my kids will love it too!


I have so many other great ones from this shoot but I can’t post everything, I suppose!  :)

WOW, it was WINDY last Sunday when we ventured down to the beach to capture some precious family portraits.  This is the fifth year I’ve had the pleasure of photographing this family.  It is absolutely amazing to me how much they have grown.  We had a fabulous time, wind in all, getting these pictures.  I will say the wind made us move inland a little so the trees could take the beating instead of our hair!  But in the end, I love the shots we got and we still managed to get that beach feel in many of them.  Thanks guys for another fun year!
